Temporary Emergency Equine Feed Asssitance
In 2008, a longtime Minnesota Horse Council member, seeing a need for financially strapped horse owners, set up a donation station at his place of business. In early 2009 he approached the MHC with $400 that had been donated. He asked the MHC to manage the distribution of the funds. Thus the Temporary Emergency Equine Feed Assistance (TEEFA) committee was formed.
TEEFA is run by a committee made of up MHC Board members. The committee relies on individual donations and fundraising efforts by groups and organizations such as 4-H, FFA, etc. to help raise additional monies needed to feed hungry horses as well as funds from the Minnesota Horse Council (beginning in 2014). There is assistance available for those horse owners facing temporary financial hardships which may affect their ability to feed their horses. Feed assistance is provided by direct payment to the vendor for feed or hay. All information received from the applicants will be kept confidential.